Workshop – Mar. 2, 2023

Caribbean African Regenerative Medicine
Thursday, March 2nd

Going for the Cure: Potentially Curative Therapies in Sickle Cell Disease – Dr. Kevin Kuo This presentation discusses the opportunities and challenges with current curative options in sickle cell disease including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and gene therapy

Sickle Cell Disease and the Need for Blood: Systemic Barriers to Donation for African, Caribbean , and Black Young Adults – Dr. Jennie Haw and Ms. Biba Tinga. In this presentation, we will present results from our qualitative community-based project on understanding barriers to blood donation, including systemic racism, for African, Caribbean, and Black young adults in Canada. We will discuss the implications of our results for healthcare providers.

Applications and Clinical Relevance of Regenerative Medicine – Dr. Golnaz Karoubi. This presentation will highlight the application of regenerative medicine in lung and airway disease

Expert Communication Through Dialogue: Building Trusting Therapeutic Alliances with Patients – Ms. Jacquelin Forsey This workshop is a brief overview of some communication principles that allow providers to adapt to challenging communication scenarios, and an understanding of how to build these principles into meaningful dialogues with patients.